Every year inspectors on behalf of the Department of Education inspect a sample of schools in Northern Ireland. The views of pupils are extremely important to us. Pupils can contribute to the inspection process in a number of ways; for example, during an inspection, we meet with groups of pupils from every year group to talk about how the pupils and the school work together to provide high quality education. To seek the views of more of the pupils, the Education and Training Inspectorate has produced an online pupil questionnaire. We are keen for you to trial the questionnaire for us. To complete the questionnaire, you will need an active email account. We recommend that you use your school email account.

Thank you very much for taking the time to share your views with us; we appreciate you doing so. We will provide the school with a summary of the views of pupils in a confidential manner and will not share your name with the school (unless it is in relation to a child protection/safeguarding matter). In the case of a disclosure of a child protection/ safeguarding matter, we will adhere to the school’s child protection/safeguarding policies.

Please note: The inspectors do not look into individual complaints about a school. The names of respondents will not be forwarded to the inspection team (unless a child protection/safeguarding matter is raised) so we will not be able to talk with you about your responses to this questionnaire. If you are worried about something, please tell your teacher or someone you know who will listen and be able to help you.